May 2022
Spring Fling – Fruit Tree Pruning Demo this Saturday (May 14th, 12pm – 4pm)
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🍐 Local fruit tree expert Gordon Mackay will be at
Taste Fair This Saturday, May 14th!
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🐝🌸 Here is a taste of just some of the
Happy Mother’s Day!
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🌸 Happy Mother’s Day!!! Our Garden Center is full of
New & Delicious @ Great Greens
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πŸ«’Olive ya need to hear this… New & delicious at
Farm to Fork Specials | May 6th – 12th, 2022
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🚜 Get Ready for Mother's Day! Open 8:30am until 7:30pm!
*New* Cow Bocconcini
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πŸ„ New at Great Greens Cow Bocconcini from Natural Pastures
Spring Fling | Saturday, May 14th
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🐝🌸 Spring Fling Saturday, May 14th from 12 - 4pm!